Sunday, January 9, 2011

New You Resolutions!

As a rule, I don't make resolutions at the beginning of a new year.  I feel you're creating too much pressure and setting yourself up for disappointment when you don't follow through.  Several years ago, I changed my way of thinking in the area of bettering myself.  Instead of resolutions at the start of a new year, I set goals for myself with an estimated time frame for completion whenever the mood strikes.  In this spirit, I have the following writing goals I would like to accomplish.  If it doesn't work out, I'll extend my deadline and probably add to the list.

  1. Query at least 8 agents with my current manuscript by the end of January.
  2. Complete the second installment of my story by the end of the summer.
  3. Complete a working outline of a third story idea by the end of February.
  4. Blog more consistently.
  5. Read inspiring books that help me stay on my path of writing to better my craft.
I always keep my list to no more than 5 goals.  Otherwise, it's overwhelming and nothing gets done.  As the list is completed, I add and branch out to include other things I'd like to do.
I encourage you to try this method to keep yourself on-track in any area of your life.  It's so satisfying when you've accomplished something you set out to do.

Note:  Set goals that aren't dependent upon the decisions of others.  For example, don't set a goal that you'll get an agent or sell a manuscript.  Set goals that you can control to avoid disappointment.
Good Luck and Happy New You!

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